Fig 1: A Segment angular integration model with 500m metric radius of Manhattan depicting the integration levels of the city from the first settlements of 1642, to the implementation of the grid in 1811, up to recent times in 2009. Note the integration levels being much higher in the organic settlement rather then the planned grid.
"Understanding the spatial evolution of existing urban environments and the regularities and particularities which can be extracted from the partial morphology of cities." (Sayed et al., 2009,p.2)
New York and Barcelona have been chosen because they have two diverse grids within their urban fabric, each representing a quasi-opposing paradigm of city. The first is what is known as the bottom up emergent spatial structure (also known as the organic grid) which can be identified in New York as the old settlement of downtown Manhattan and in Barcelona as the old town (or Gothic Quarter). The second is the more geometric and regular top down planning which spreads across Manhattan and Barcelona similarly in the form of a grid. In the case of Barcelona, one more growth process influenced the morphology of the city around the same time of the implementation of the grid (also known as the Ensanches) in 1891 and this is the growth of the peripheral suburban town centers in an organic emergent manner.
Fig 2: A Segment angular integration model with 2000m metric radius of Manhattan depicting the integration levels of the city from the first settlements of 1642, to the implementation of the grid in 1811, up to recent times in 2009. Note the high integration levels spread from the organic old town outwards. Also note the high integration levels to the north of central park which are emergent patterns of morphology, not grids.
What is interesting to observe, is that in both case studies, the most integrated part of the city is in fact the emergent model, not the top down planned grid (refer to figure 1)! Furthermore, the parts of the grids which are integrated are in fact the ones which are broken by irregularities (such as areas around Broadway in Manhattan), making them diverse anomalies in an otherwise rigid system. This goes to show that the emergent 'organic' systems - in contrast to the planned urban typologies - have a quality to them which is more in tune with the inhabitants of the cities and thus make for better urban systems... or at least are more integrated within the city. This highlights their relevance even today in understanding good city form. There is a final observation worth mentioning, and that is that the integration of the city spreads from the organic core outwards, further suggesting that it is the emergent morphologies of the city which allow for the overall success of the urban habitat (refer to figure 2).
Barcelona proves a great example of this phenomenon, and it holds a vital clue as to how grids can indeed work when mixed with organic morphologies as a mechanism for urban re-integration. In fact, we see that the grid in Barcelona has been created to fill the void between the old town and the emerging peripheral suburban centers and villages. By doing so, the integration levels of the emergent typologies spread through the grid, creating a well integrated city:
"... a network which connects all parts of the urban grid. As the spatial system grows, the distinct features of the three different grids become more blurred and stronger spatial connections start to rise and become more vital in linking all the city parts." (Sayed et al., 2009,p.6)
Barcelona's success is due to the grid being 'gated' by suburban organic emergent developments to the north and morphological obstacles on the west. Secondly, the grid is more flexible, as it adapts to specific conditions in both city and landscape. Thirdly, the grid is being segmented by numerous diagonal cuts, which the authors of the paper acknowledge and state that "the distinctive diagonal lines in the uniform grid play an important role in connecting all the city parts [...] this is not counting their added value as being urban buzz areas. The grid lacking diagonal lines seem to be more disconnected. Some integrated areas along the diagonal lines disappear with them." (Sayed et al., 2009, p.8). As mentioned before, these diagonals act as grid erosions, creating variety which in turn promotes integration.
Fig 3: The evolution of Segment angular integration model with 500m metric radius of Barcelona. Note the higher integration levels arising with the growth of emergent 'organic' peripheral settlements and the old historic centre.
Fig 4: The evolution of Segment angular integration model with 2000m metric radius of Barcelona. Note how the grid's integration is as high as the old town as it connects the peripheral organic settlements of equally high integration.
Barcelona's success is it's adaptive qualities within a variety of spatial elements. The city and the grid adapt to changing situation in time, and thus, even if the grid is a planned top down geometric structure, it has emergent bottom up qualities within itself which contribute to it's success. In other words;
"The high global integration values are mostly visible in the uniform grid because of its connective attributes." (Sayed et al., 2009, p.8)
It is clear from this study that cities rely on variety not just in their functions but also in their core morphologies as agents of success. This is why we identify so positively to urban fabrics which are made of narrow winding streets, unexpected piazzas, or undulating facades - such are the historic cities of Europe. The real question is, how can we recreate those systems of emergent urbanism in today's society? How can new regeneration developments simulate the integration which the old town centers hold within them without replicating them; in tune with today's urban paradigms and needs? Or indeed, are the old historic centers integrated because they are a process of time and hold within them a historical heritage that we as humans identify with and respect? Partly, I believe that history plays an important part - we as people are ephemeral, well aware of our mortality. Cities can be eternal - and in some ways we admire and worship that.
That said, and to conclude, the research by UCL in this paper goes to prove that variety in relatively modern parts of the city have the same impact as old towns. That is a lesson which needs to be learnt. It is the variety and emergent organic morphological principles of the old towns of Manhattan and Barcelona which work! And the rigid grid's success is either through close association to the organic part of town, or because there is a break within its regularity. In essence, the grid areas which show successful results of integration within the two cities are ones which pass through several optimization stages in their developments. These serve to deform the grid's rigidity and create an adaptive model, which in turn is said to evolve with now local factors.
This study by UCL is a very important study, proving that our old towns hold within them key morphological values which we can learn from even today. Emergent models of urban areas are key sources in understanding the evolution of a particular city and it is my strong belief that these have to be used to inform new forms of urbanism aimed at urban regeneration.
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